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Boatyard Master Plan

Date: 02/02/2024

Pier 3 is the westernmost of three Port-owned piers situated on the Columbia River. This 16-acre pier is currently used for haulout, maintenance, and storage. Services offered include an 88-ton travel lift, long-term boat and trailer parking, upland vessel storage, short-term vessel project areas (powered), and equipment rental.

The Port of Astoria recently completed a Boatyard Feasibility Study that demonstrated the need for expanded services and infrastructure at the Port’s Pier 3 Boatyard. The Port is now developing a visionary Boatyard Master Plan and implementation strategy that will bolster the Boatyard’s financial health and support the development of Port infrastructure.

An existing conditions report was conducted to identify both existing opportunities and constraints related to the physical and economic characteristics of the Boatyard. The report found that, with the necessary investments, the Boatyard is well-positioned to attract vessel maintenance projects from across the West Coast.

To learn more, visit the project page at